#FrontlineExhibition x Acoustic Exchange x New Orleans

Steff Reed (Grammy Nominee Artist) and New Soul Renaissance presents FRONTLINE EXHIBITION XAcoustic Exchange x NOLA
After three successful installments in NYC and Chicago, creators of #FrontlineExhibition, brings the unique curated experience to New Orleans; featured in VIBE and Rolling Out Magazine.
Frontline Exhibition is an interdisciplinary program involving art, music and community that addresses issues of oppression and works towards solutions to end it. With artwork, workshops and musical performances the goal is to empower audiences with the energy and information needed to ignite and start the conversations in the communities they serve.

Frontline Exhibition X New Orleans 2017
The Urgency of Now: A Step by Step Guide to Freedom.

Thursday, Jan 12th
Teaching workshops at McMain High School
Social Justice and Art Making
Featured Educators: (Steff Reed, Dionne Victoria, UnLearn The World, Jam No Peanut)

Saturday, Jan 14th
Leading Panel Discussion at Ashe Cultural Arts Center
Featured Panelists: (Steff Reed, Dionne Victoria, UnLearn The World, Jam No Peanut)

Sunday, Jan 15th
Performance & Jam Session at Second Vine Wine
Featured Performers: Steff Reed, UnLearn The World, Jypsy Jeyfree, Jam No Peanut, Kaya Nicole)
*Acoustic Exchange show is an interactive pop up jam session that features headliners and is used to create a collaborative community.

The Solution
Frontline Art Exhibition is a visual art, music, film and activism effort, with the aim of using the arts and robust dialogue to highlight police brutality, gang violence and systemic anti-blackness.
 With the recent deaths of Sandra Bland, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner and many more, there is an increased urgency in bringing awareness to the issue of police brutality, and anti blackness in America.
 Frontline Art Exhibition curated events are filled with entertainment, class, and artistic expression; engaging people of all ages across a vast majority of professional industries. The main focus is to bring creators and thinkers in one room, to be in dialogue, and start a conversation that will lead to solutions and ideas for change.

Steff Reed